From 3 months to....
3 years - our Emma celebrated her birthday yesterday!
She was dressed to go get her picture taken, but shortly after I snapped this shot she discovered she couldn't finger paint while in this attire and last I saw her she was sobbing the uncontrollable cries of a 3 yr old in the backseat of her mommy's car.,.... Something tell me the photo shoot didn't happen.....
I unfortunately (: had to leave to go buy a new car. Seems mine had engine and transmission problems and was going to be thousands of dollars to fix. I opted for a trade-in and now have a 2005 SRX with more bells and whistles than I know what to do with! I do like it though and finally I have a vehicle again that I can load furniture "finds" into!!! Happy Birthday to me!
Turns out mommy is much better at
getting her 3 yr old to do as she wants....The photos were taken and quite willingly it turns out. Nana has some lessons to learn!
Happy Birthday to you and Emma!!!!!!!Emma looks so cute in the picture, seems like it has been a long time since I saw her. Can't wait to see the new car.
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