Sunday, February 1, 2009

Winter Musings...

January's over - spring is moving closer!
I have this photo of Emma, Samantha and Brandon
playing in the water of Crystal Lake last summer as
my screen saver. It reminds me daily of warmer days!

In the meantime I found some ambition to paint the closet
in my dressing room. In the rush to move in 5 yr ago it had
only recv'd a primer. Having to empty it so the "guys" could
get to the attic access, seemed a good time to finally finish it.

...and the finished product. The photos definitely don't show the
difference, but trust me it's mucho better...


Sue said...

It is going to be a long winter for us too. We are trying to plan a trip to Florida at the end of Feb. with Dana's family but it's not looking good with John's work situation.........Oh well, it is nice to see a picture of Sam and her gang in the lake to remind us of warmer days to come.
Dana and the boys just left. We enjoyed getting away for a couple of hours to see A Choris Line downtown at the Fisher. It reminded me of the time we went down to see Dream Girls......that seems so long ago.
Your closet looks teriffic. Good job.
Miss you,

Anonymous said...

Hi Sheryl,

Just wanted you to know that you and your family are in my prayers. God Bless you. Dana