Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Thoughtful Ya-yas

Not only did I get to enjoy the company of my cousins, but they brought gifts!
Susie found this milk bottle at an antique store and discovering it was from the town where I grew up, she got it for me! Even tho I don't recall the creamery that produced it, we did use to have our milk delivered, so it brings back fond memories for me!
The "Fresh Cut Grass"scented candle and dish are from Libby. She remembered I'd commented on that being one of my favorite "smells" and found this in her Longaberger catalog
(which she is a dealer for....if anyone wants to do some shopping!) I'm saving it until the snow falls and I'm craving the scent of spring!

Linda, who creates something beautiful for us everytime we get together, made these adorable hanging "vases" for us out of lace fabric from our great aunt's farm. We had the choice of these, bells or circular Christmas ornaments. Lucky me - I got to pick 3! (one is Meg's, which she'll get someday.....) Linda is so talented - don't know how she comes up with all these ideas, but glad she does!

Almost time for the Ya-ya's to depart, but we enjoyed the sunshine in my front garden for a bit, not wanting the week-end to end.....

1 comment:

Sue said...

A great visit and gifts! What sweethearts your YaYa's are. See you Saturday...