Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Good friends Dave & Cindi began the days Homecoming festivities with a Parade Party at their lovely home. The dining table was filled with sweet treats....
...the Marching Chips stretched out for blocks and stopped to play CMU's fight song right in front of us....
Sue enjoyed the parade with her grandkids and our friend Dani....they collected lot's of candy tossed to them....
Amy Roloff from "Little People Big World" and a CMU grad, was the Grand Marshall....
Cindi had her home decorated for fall inside and out. These 2 pieces were on her patio.
She found them at our local farmers market. Aren't they adorable?
We went on to the game, which the Chips won! and then to the after celebration.... a long
fun-filled friend-filled day!

1 comment:

Sue said...

Such a fun weekend was had by all!