Tuesday, April 28, 2009

YaYa Week-end

We began our week-end with absolutely beautiful weather
An evening on the deck overlooking Spider Lake....
Our hostess Libby reading one of the many letters written by
our parents and grandparents in the 1920's - 40's. Thank
goodness our mother's were "savers" of history.

Bride-to-Be Jeanne writing in the YaYa journal-
wedding in July!

A couple of the next generation dropped by for a few minutes -
two of Libby's kids Calvin and LeeAnne .
Congrats to LeeAnne - another baby coming in Oct.!!!

.....another guest stopped by too....cousin Alan's travel companion
Otis....this little guy has partied around the world. So glad he could
entertain us for a bit.....

1 comment:

Sue said...

So glad you had a good time with the YaYa's, I know how much you enjoy their company. Alan's travel companion is a hoot. I'll e-mail you later to catch up.