Sue, does it look familiar? I have always admired yours and was so thrilled to find one for myself. Now have to search for another one for Sarah, as she is coveting mine for her newly remodeled bathroom!
A collection of my recent finds - the .50 tissue box, which was a brown basket with unpainted wooded tops; the floral trivet, which also had stained wooden trim - $1.00; the fabulous hydrangea print (it's from Paragon) - $10.00; my fave the shelf; and my .50 tray with the watercolor florals I cut from a $1.00 book. All to be added to my "in the process" redecorating schemes.
My family room before was done in reds, greens and yellows. Lovely colors, but since this is the room I spend the majority of my evenings in I decided to fill it with the blues and pale greens that are so Scandinavian and sooo soothing to me. You can see the new Hydrangea print, a couple more floral prints "stolen" from the guest bedroom, a teacup vase from the master bedroom and blue floral plates from the china cabinet.... Just turned Sarah's beautiful quilted throw over to it's gorgeous blue background backside and a couple pillows from the sun room....
The shelves have been transformed from red and green to much lighter shades of blue and white with a bit of majolica.... the prints that Sue gave me (she knows my taste better than I do!)
Yes, I even covered the black speaker with blue & white checked contact paper - still trying to figure out how to disguise the cable box.....
The shelving on the other side of the fireplace.... I really don't mind the brick of the fireplace, tho would like to cover a portion of it with 6" white trim.....someday......
Yes, I even covered the black speaker with blue & white checked contact paper - still trying to figure out how to disguise the cable box.....