Wednesday, August 8, 2007


this is the best I could come up with while Miss Emma is napping....Sue, Life at Home was with me when I bought this 5 or 6 yrs ago at the local antique store.


Sue said...

Ah, I remember that picture. It was one of your first conversion pieces away from contemporary decor. Thanks for playing along.

Sheryl said...

Now that I've had time to go back and read your "tags", I'm feeling quite feeble in the creative dept, with my attempt! Your kindness shines through in all your comments along with your flair for decor. Love you - Sheryl

Sue said...

Don't feel feeble, you are hardly feeble in the creative dept. I discribed mine as "lame", as Cindi would say, but at least we played along. I appreciate that you did the fun tag and your kind comment and am adding it to my Natural Wonders pictures on my side bar, if I can figure out how. You probably are supposed to be able to click on the picture and go somewhere but I don't know where it's supposed to go or how to do it.