I'd been wanting to add a touch of curtain to the porch off my bedroom. Today while strolling the aisles of Kmart I discovered these shower curtains marked down to $15 and I loved the bright fabric. Because they are white on the reverse side they work wonderfully! I hung them on some $3 clothes line and a few cup hooks. As Sue will notice they also work to hide the black rubber roof on the back half of my house. I hear there is a cold front coming through, so maybe tomorrow morning I'll be able to enjoy a cup of coffee out there.
Good idea putting a curtain in that west window to block out some of the hot afternoon sun. Are those morning glories I see in the print?
I sent you a sweet message that Kim from Daisy Cottage left for you on my blog. She couldn't get through to comment on yours. You might want to check the setting in your dashboard to make sure you can receive anonymous comments. Some of the best bloggers are on Typepad and have a hard time commenting on blogger. Not sure is that is the problem. Dana tried 5 times yesterday to leave a comment on my blog and couldn't get through. May have been a systems problem?????
Yes - they are morning glories! You are so observant - I had to run upstairs to check and see! I have changed my settings, so anyone can leave a comment. Thanks for the heads up on that and for forwarding the comment to my email.
I so love visiting your charming cottage...makes me want to do some serious re-decorating on my little bungalow! Toni
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