Not sure where Feb went.....and the first half of March!
I've spent many hours at the hospital gift shop
playing (and filling in shifts for the snowbirds)
I really enjoy the people I work with, the customers
and decorating the shop with all the fun things
we get in.

...sometime in Feb I decided to get rid of the stark blond
I'd been wearing for 8 years or so.... took a few days, but
now I like the change!

Went one evening to watch Emma perform her gymnastics..
a joy to watch the little kids have so much fun.
Emma had quite an entourage following her around as
her Mama, Daddy, Papa, Grandma, Grandpa and of
course Nana all showed up. Let's say she knows she's loved!

...another day of cooking in my kitchen. She's wearing
an apron from her 97 year old great-great Aunt Norma's
collection. Her comment, "wow, she's almost 100" - guess
she's learning in kindergarten!

Yesterday my neighbors came over - this is Jason and 5yr
old Henry, who was pretending to be a cat, since neither
of mine would come out to play....

...and this is 11mth old Polly (sitting on mom Julie's lap)
She has a smile that lights up the room.

They brought me these pots of flowers as a thank-you for watching
their home while they were gone on Jason's sabbatical the past
couple months. Wonderful neighbors - glad their back!. Wish
you could smell the flowers!
So that sums up the past month. Now spring is arriving which will bring
time in the gardens, finishing projects around the house (I'm in the middle
of a couple...more on that another time....) and well, who knows what else!