Mt Pleasant Monthly magazine!
The magazine is the creation of Candi Purtill and is a fantastic
addition to our area. Full of vibrant photos, informative articles,
a calendar of events and much much more.
furniture to my home, we needed to find a safe place to keep
this curio cabinet - other than my garage. Surprise - this little
nook in my family room turned out to be the perfect spot!
Filling it is still a work in progress.... The little chair was also from
Aunt Norma's and at least for now works fine by the cabinet.
The prints above the cabinet I got at our church's rummage sale last year.
The cute little candle sconces I purchased for $.25 two days ago at a
garage sale.
The rocking chair was my grandparents. My parents had it in their
home, re-upholstered it and it was in mom's apt. until now. I have
always loved the comfort of this chair!
Okay, now no more furniture!!!!