Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bag Lady or Acting Green....

Hit my first estate sale of the season today....
found the set of 60's Pyrex casseroles-
Isn't the color fun - couldn't resist and they are
the perfect size for small casseroles and microwaving!
Found some good books - especially excited to read "Wings in the Meadow" -
the life history of a monarch butterfly and the life system of a meadow.

...and now to the bag lady or acting green purchase...
that refers to the grocery cart (I haven't used one since I was a kid!)
Since I live on the same block as a grocery store and often walk to pick-up a few things
(and Emma is too old for her stroller now,
which use to be handy for hauling home the groceries)-
I figured if I'm brave enough to wander down the street with my cart, I can
save the gas (and the environment...) by walking to pick-up all my groceries.
So why do I feel sooo old when I imagine myself shopping this way!!!

...and now for spring. The crocus have bloomed

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Projects and fun

Time to repair the damage done by leaky roofs/plumbing or whatever caused water stains and peeling paint! The living room had ceiling and a bit of wall damage....
The sunroom got the worst of it - leaky skylights. So while the painter is in there working....
decided it was time to paint the trim around the windows white. This required moving all the furniture to the middle of the 4 and the painting hasn't begun in here yet....

In the meantime....Sat. night the fam got together to celebrate Samantha's 24th birthday!
Meg and Emma were having a bit of fun after dinner...

Samantha and Brandon posed for the camera!
Happy Birthday Sam!!!


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

New Rug

Just thought I'd share my great find! While strolling from one end of Meijers to the other - on a mission to find what I can't remember - this rug caught my eye. It is 5 x 9, has the same checkerboard pattern as my kitchen floor, in similar colors and was only $50! Not that I had expected to spend any money on a rug that day, but I had been looking for years to find one to center my family room seating area. This one had the cottage look and was sooo reasonably priced for that size! Yeah!!!
( Just discovered that the rug was an even better deal, evidently was on sale for $37.49!)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

"Frosty" Visits

Frosty the snowman made what I hope is his last visit the other day.
I have enjoyed winter more this year than since I was a child myself!
Playing with Emma gave me an excuse to be outside,
doing what kids do when snow is plentiful!

...but I am ready for spring! ready in fact that spring cleaning has already begun!

The kitchen was first on the list...and after a good cleaning with bleach/water
of the cupboards, counters and floor...these little shelves by my sink
seemed the perfect place for a few pieces of my Scandinavian
collection. Someday I'll have to have the trivit translated!