Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Winter Fun

Yesterday Emma and I did some baking after pre-school. Her concoction post cookies
was flour and water and whatever else she could mix in...

Em models the apron my friend Sarah made and the oatmeal cookies! Hard to say which had more flour on it - Emma or the floor!

A visit last Fri. from my mom's 2 sisters, 3 nieces, my brother Brian and I filled my mom's room with laughter. Pictured here are my brother, cousin Jeanne, mom and Aunt Marjorie.

Aunt's Marjorie & Mary and mom enjoying some time together after lunch.
A bittersweet time as we mourn the loss of their sister, our dear Aunt Wilma.
So glad they came to visit.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Winter Musings...

January's over - spring is moving closer!
I have this photo of Emma, Samantha and Brandon
playing in the water of Crystal Lake last summer as
my screen saver. It reminds me daily of warmer days!

In the meantime I found some ambition to paint the closet
in my dressing room. In the rush to move in 5 yr ago it had
only recv'd a primer. Having to empty it so the "guys" could
get to the attic access, seemed a good time to finally finish it.

...and the finished product. The photos definitely don't show the
difference, but trust me it's mucho better...