I'd like to introduce you to my new beau.....
hey a girl can dream. Actually Carter was Grand Marshall
at CMU's homecoming and I managed to accost him in the
hallway outside the Presidents suite (bet he wished he'd stayed
inside) He couldn't have been nicer, nor could anyone be
more handsome!!!!

The day started with a gathering at Dave & Cindi's -
wish I'd taken a photo of all the yummy food they had, but
I forgot my camera! A hot cup of coffee and...

.....outdoors for the CMU Homecoming Parade, which conveniently
goes ride by their house! Samantha & Emma had a sleep-over at
my house the night before.....my awakening was at 6:15 (hence the coffee) with a sweet
voice saying "Nana is it time to get up?" It wasn't but we did!
Here they are with Aaron & Angie's adorable kids - Taylor, Riley and Aidan.

Emma made fast friends with Princess Jazmin -
Dave & Cindi's lovable doggie. A fun day! Unfortunately
in my attempt at glamour, I wore 3" high boots from
9am to 8 pm. Couldn't even put shoes on Sunday morning!
(I'm SURE Carter appreciated the effort.....)

Earlier in the month the infamous Yaya's gathered in
Rockford at cousin Jeanne's new home. These are the 3
Call girls - Jeanne, Marsha and Susie. As always, a great time
together. Rockford is a fabulous town - lot's of shops to browse and
spend money in! Wish we could get together every month!